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Your Secret Formula To Achieve Your Goals

Stop Wishing, Start Doing!

Powerlifting Coaching Goals

If you've been struggling to achieve your health, fitness, body composition or strength goals, you're not alone.

Navigating the complex world of nutrition and fitness can be overwhelming, especially with the abundance of fad diets, conflicting information, and self-proclaimed "experts" out there.

In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of having a nutrition and/or strength coach in your corner to help you cut through the noise, take an evidence-based approach, get stronger, put on more muscle, create balance within your nutrition, encourage a healthy relationship with food, put your health first and get you long term, everlasting results.

When it comes to achieving your goals, having a coach can be a game-changer. While 6-week challenges, fad diets or group fitness sessions can make you feel motivated and seem like you are getting initial results, they are unsustainable and they often lack the personalised guidance required to optimise your nutrition and fuel your body effectively.

Have you ever completed a 6-week challenge or a fad diet before, seen an initial drop in weight, but then put it all back on once the challenge was over? This comes down to two things

  1. the approach was unsustainable

  2. you were not taught the skills to maintain the results

This is why having a coach will change the game for you to help you achieve your goals

A nutrition coach can provide you with the necessary expertise, guidance, education, support and tools to align your nutrition with your training and maximise your progress.

Doing things the optimal way the first time, will also save you a lot of time and get you that ever-lasting result sooner. At the end of the day, you need to be able to maintain the results you create. Investing in a coach may seem like more of an "expense", but you need to look at it as a long-term investment that will actually save you money in the long run as you will never have to waste money on challenges and fad diets again. Your coach teaches you and equips you with the skills to maintain everlasting sustainable results.

What about a strength coach?

Having a strength coach who can write a program for YOU, to get you the best possible results in your training will also take your results to the next level. Following generic programs leaves you little room to progress as your previous week's performance is not taken into consideration. Along with the fact you might have weak areas in your lifts, muscular imbalances or certain parts of your body composition that you want to work on. Again, a generic program will not take these things into consideration. You also want someone in your corner to optimise your form and technique, give you feedback on how to improve and teach you how to train with intent.

The further you take your training intensity, the more you grow.

Finding the Right Coach To Achieve Your Goals

Investing in a coach who is experienced, qualified, and understands how to help you reach your desired outcome is essential. Don't be afraid to ask potential coaches for proof of past client results, testimonials, or qualifications. This will ensure that you're entrusting your journey to someone who has the knowledge and skills to guide you from point A to point B. While also showing you they have the communication skills and support you need to be successful in your journey!

If you have never worked with a coach before, you might be wondering how it all works. I want to break down the process for you.

  1. Initial Consult: Your coach will conduct a detailed assessment of your training and nutrition history, goals, preferences, and limitations to create a personalised plan tailored to your needs.

  2. Nutrition Coaching: Your coach will educate you on integrating proper nutrition and food choices into your lifestyle, optimising performance, improving body composition, and developing a healthy relationship with food while teaching you how to make nutritional choices on your own, that align with your goals.

  3. Strength Coaching: Expect regular updates on your training program and form reviews to fast-track your progress and ensure you're on the right track. Your coach will help you progress your lifts based on previous sessions.

  4. Flexible Nutrition Plans: Your coach will provide nutrition plans that can be easily incorporated into your lifestyle, optimising your results without unnecessary confusion.

  5. Mindset Support: Your coach will support you with improving your mindset around training and nutrition, ensuring you understand and trust the process. If this is a new process to you, the better you understand, the more likely you will follow through and take action.

  6. Check-Ins: Regular check-ins with your coach will help you stay accountable, make necessary adjustments, and ensure continuous progress towards your goals.

  7. Private Message Access: Your coach will be available for support and to answer any questions that arise between check-ins, providing guidance when you need it the most.

Having a coach will guide you through the noise, implement effective strategies, and help you unlock your true potential. Investing in a coach can accelerate your progress and set you up for lifelong success.

If you're tired of wondering why you're not achieving your desired results, it's time to take action. Investing in a coach who aligns with your goals, you resonate with their message and is qualified can not only help you achieve your goal sooner as you are no longer wasting time with methods that just don't work but will serve as your guide, providing the tools, guidance, support, and accountability to help you navigate through the complexities of nutrition and fitness, ultimately helping you achieve your goals but also giving you the knowledge to maintain the result you have worked so hard for.

Saying goodbye to the cycle of yo-yo dieting and falling "on and off track"


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