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Nutrition to Fuel Your Immune System


Winter is nearly over, but I keep having the same conversations. People are still getting run down, and getting the common cold. Did you know prioritising your nutrition will fuel your immune system? Leading to less time out of the gym! I wanted to share why it is important with you and get you back into your training sooner rather than later. And yes, if you are sick, please take a few days off the gym. This will allow your immune system to have all the energy it needs, and help you get back to training with your normal intensity, sooner rather than later! Rather than having two weeks worth of 50% effort sessions and feeling worse each day!

Fuelling Your Immune System: Good nutrition is essential to support immune function year-round, but it becomes even more crucial during winter when we're exposed to more pathogens. By providing your body with plenty of nutrients and enough energy, you can support the production and activity of immune cells, enhance immune response, and increase your body's defences against illnesses.

  • Shorten the Duration of Illness: Maintaining healthy nutritional habits can help you recover faster when you do get sick. A well-balanced diet helps reduce the severity and duration of symptoms, allowing you to get back into your training quicker. You don't need to track macros; focus on consuming good-quality proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.

  • Micronutrients Matter: Besides macronutrients, micronutrients are essential for immune health. Vitamins and minerals support immune processes. Aim for a diverse range of whole foods to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals.

  • Vitamin C and Antioxidants: Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to reduce oxidative stress and strengthens your body's defence against infections. Citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, capsicums, and broccoli are excellent sources of vitamin C. Incorporate colourful fruits and vegetables for antioxidants that combat free radicals and protect immune cells. Vitamin C may benefit athletes training intensely, as intense training can suppress the immune system. Another reason why fuelling your body is important year-round.

As an athlete (or someone who just loves lifting and training) it’s hard to spend time out of the gym. So don’t make it take any longer than it has to!

Fuelling your body can be easy and doesn’t have to be hard! Remember, even if it feels hard to eat something is better than nothing and your immune system will thank you for it and you will thank yourself when you’re feeling better!

Need some help with your nutrition goals? Please get in touch.


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