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How Nutrition Coaching Works

Nutrition Coach

You might be wondering why coaching and not consults. Nutrition is not a black-or-white topic, there are many grey areas and people respond so differently to different strategies.

No two people are the same, and some people will need more accountability than others. If you don't have that constant client-to-coach communication and support, you might not get the same result.

Nutrition is not a set-and-forget plan, as an individual, there are many lifestyle factors, barriers, changes and challenges you may face. Your body may also respond differently than we expect at first. This is why having a coach in your corner to adjust the plan as necessary but also help you move through challenges with guidance and support will make such a powerful and positive impact when it comes to achieving your goal.

How does coaching work?

Strategy Consult

First, we start with an initial consult, this is done via google meet or in person at Hunter Strength and Performance. During this consult, we get to know each other and build rapport. This ensures we are a good coach-client fit. During this consult, we will go over your:

Diet history

  • Medical history

  • Lifestyle factors

  • Relationship with food

  • Goals in relation to body composition

  • Goals in relation to performance and any upcoming events.

online nutrition coach

From there we will discuss a plan and timeline moving forward. We talk about what approach will be best suited for you e.g. meal plan, macros etc. We will also discuss my expectations of you as a client, and what you need to do in order to get the results you want, this one is pretty simple and it comes down to communication and honesty from you. As coaching is also a collaboration we will discuss what you need from me as your coach in order to succeed in this process.


I will create a strategy for you, based on everything we have discussed and deliver it on our coaching app. Your strategy will be completely personalised to you and updated as required. Your strategy could be:

Meal plans

  • Meal plan templates and a flexible approach

  • Tracking

  • Informed eating

It depends on what will work best for you, and it may change as needed.

This also includes peaking and competition day nutrition strategies and meal plans for athletes.

online sports nutrition coach

Education & Resources

As my client, you gain access to educational nutrition resources and video modules. You also gain access to 100s of recipes in our app and recipe ebooks.


You will be asked to fill in a check-in form on the app every fortnight or week before your check-in, this will go over

  • Your biofeedback

  • Your adherence

  • Your nutritional intake

  • Your energy output

  • How you felt towards your progress

  • What do you feel you could improve on

  • Any wins that you had

I will go over the data, make any necessary adjustments to your strategy and record a 10-15 minute loom video for you going over your check-in, what you did well, what you could improve on and any changes I made. I also will always aim to educate you during check-ins and build up your nutritional literacy so you have the skills and autonomy to continue to make nutritional choices that align with your goals.


You will also have access to me Monday-Friday 9-5 via the app messaging system. This is where you can reach out for extra support, advice and guidance.

Am I the right coach for you?

I work with people who are ready to fuel their performance. I don't coach on weight loss alone.

I work with powerlifters, everyday gym goers and other athletes who want to get the most out of their training, perform well, get strong and have a healthy relationship with food. Within this, we do work on weight loss as needed and focus on body composition but the main goal is performing well in training, everyday life and competition.

Are you ready to start?

Book your FREE strategy consult. This is your initial consult, however, there is no pressure to sign up. This is designed for you to make sure my service is the right fit for you. Whether you come on board as a client or not, I want to ensure you take something away from this consult that will help you!

If you feel we are a good fit, we will then start the coaching process!


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