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Chasing The Leanest Version Of You Is Holding You Back

Nutritionist for powerlifting athletes

I had this realisation recently that I just had to share with you.

You know how we're all about performing better, getting stronger, looking better, and feeling amazing? Well, I realised that sometimes, you might be holding yourself back without even knowing it.

Simply because you don't actually know how good you can feel!

You might be wondering how you are doing that when all you want to see is the result, right?

Here's the thing— if you are chasing the leanest or lightest version of yourself, this is what is stopping you from reaching your full potential. You can't progress your lifts, your numbers on the bar are going backwards, your form is getting worse, you have no energy, your training intensity is declining, recovery is low and you're actually losing muscle and strength.

I know it can feel scary to eat more, but once you start to see results in your training, numbers on the bar, energy levels and physique you will wonder why you didn't do it sooner, as you continue to make progress you have always wanted and feel the best you ever have.

So how can you start to eat more to fuel yourself?

Start with breakfast! You might skip it sometimes, thinking you are doing yourself a favour by cutting a few calories. But guess what? You are missing out on an opportunity to fuel up and get in essential nutrients to help you feel your best throughout the day.

And speaking of fuel, it hit me that pre and post-workout meals are like little secret weapons! They give you the energy to train hard and recover harder. Plus, they give you not just one but two chances to eat MORE!

Now, here comes the exciting part! Start paying more attention to what you eat throughout the day. Making sure each meal and snack has a bit of everything—protein, carbs, colours, and healthy fats. You won't believe how much of a difference it will make to your energy levels and overall mood.

Okay, now here's the biggie, and something I was guilty of myself! I was always striving for that "super lean bikini model" physique. But I realised that constantly dieting wasn't making me any happier and it was making me regress. I was missing out on all the fun—date nights, cooking what I actually wanted to eat, and even progressing at the gym! Meaning I wasn't building the muscle needed to create the physique I wanted.

So, I decided to flip the script. Instead of chasing extreme leanness, I focused on becoming the strongest, happiest, and most energetic version of myself. And let me tell you, it was a game-changer! My mood improved, my energy skyrocketed, and my overall health and energy are the best it's been. Oh, and bonus—I started seeing progress in the gym, built more muscle and got stronger. On top of that, I stepped out of my comfort zone and entered my first novice powerlifting meet.

You know, those six-pack abs might look tempting, but it turns out they come with a price. Low energy, messed-up hormones, and possible injuries. No, thank you!

So, let's stop dieting ourselves into a corner and start nourishing our bodies and minds instead. I promise you, it's worth it! You will be healthier, stronger and look better!

Are you ready to flip the script?

We have a novice powerlifting team getting ready for Hunter Strength and Performance Novice Showdown

This is a great chance to dip your toes into powerlifting, training for performance and fuelling your body.

Or if you are more experienced we are also coaching a team into the Battle of The Hunter

We have a strength coaching, nutrition and face-to-face package available at a discounted rate for anyone who joins our team saving you $60/week


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